My inspiration comes from nature. From the majestic albatross soaring over the ocean to giants of the deep. When living in New Zealand, I was frequently graced with sightings of albatrosses, whales and dolphins. To spot these creatures from my window was majestic. However, I also encountered dead albatrosses and attended whale strandings as a marine mammal medic. These encounters have increased my appreciation for life in and above the oceans. Through sharing my passion, I hope to inspire others to care for life on this planet.

2020, charcoal, chalk, pastel on toned paper Framed 71.5 x 93 cm

2020, charcoal and chalk on toned paper Framed 92x69 cm Photo credit Ingrid Visser/ORT. This work is protected by copy right and may not be used to promote cetaceans in captivity.

2021 Charcoal and chalk on paper Framed 78x60 cm

2020 Charcoal on paper Framed, 80x69 cm

2019, Pencil on paper Framed, 37.5x50.2 cm

2019 Pencil on paper Framed, 77x57 cm